Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Definition of E-Commerce

So what does e-commerce mean anyway? E-commerce is the pre-eminent buzzword of the online business revolution. It captures the excitement and focus of this fast emerging market. But it is more than a slogan or glib party line. At its core it embodies a concept for doing business online.
Electronic commerce is the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange (EDI), e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, fax transmissions, and electronic funds transfer. It refers to Internet shopping, online stock and bond transactions, the downloading and selling of “soft merchandise” (software, documents, graphics, music, etc.), and business-to-business transactions.
The concept of e-commerce is all about using the Internet to do business better and faster. It is about giving customers controlled access to your computer systems and letting people serve themselves. It is about committing your company to a serious online effort and integrating your Web site with the heart of your business. If you do that, you will see results!
The Internet’s role in business can be compared to that of the telephone. It is a way for people to communicate with each other. It is also a way for a consumer to communicate with a company’s computer systems without human intervention. In fact, the Internet is a communication medium like the many others we use in business every day.
Think of the ways you communicate with people in business. The best way is face to face. Body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions all help you understand what the other person is trying to say. When you cannot meet face to face, you may use any of a number of different means to communicate: a telephone, a fax machine, Federal Express, the U.S. Postal Service, or maybe even a messenger service. These are all ways to deliver or receive information, authorization, even shipments of goods and merchandise.
The Internet is a reasonable alternative to all of those means of communication. Any place and any way that your business communicates with its customers, you should think about how you could have done it online. That is the power of e-commerce.
Can’t meet face to face? Send an e-mail with an attached photograph. When it comes time to pay for merchandise, use a secured server to pay by credit card, or even digital cash! The opportunities and situations in which online business is possible are limitless.
Components of an Internet Business
Every era of business yields new strategies and new ways of doing business. With the advent of radio and television came the first mass-market advertising. Now, the Internet has so radically changed business that the rules for corporate strategy that held for the last 50 years (since the dawn of television) have begun to crumble.
There are some literal elements of commerce that are necessary for any transactions to take place, which are as true for regular bricks-and-mortar commerce as they are for e-commerce. First, whether you are doing business online or in the real world, you have to have a product to sell or a service to offer. Then, you must have a place from which to do business. In the traditional world of commerce this can be a physical store or, in a more figurative sense, a catalog or phone number. In the world of e-commerce the place from which you do business is your Web site.
Most businesses already exist in the bricks-and-mortar world of commerce. Adding a Web site is a means to enhance their business. For Internet startups, the Web site is the only place that they do business.
In both regular commerce and e-commerce you need to find a way to attract customers to your place of business. This is embodied by your marketing strategy, and everything from advertising to word of mouth fits into this category.
In order to do business, you also need a way to take orders and process payment. In a retail store there are no orders. Customers simply find the products they want, get in a line at the register, and pay the cashier. In e-commerce, orders have to be placed and items shipped. Orders are usually handled through interactive, online forms. Money is another issue easily handled in traditional commerce. Customers in a retail store pay by check, cash, or credit or debit cards. Online customers cannot pay by cash or check, only through electronic means. Also, there are issues of security that surround online payment that do not come into play in the traditional bricks-and-mortar world. E-commerce transactions have to take place through secure electronic connections and special merchant accounts for accepting payment.
Once payment is collected, delivery of the product must take place. Fulfillment in traditional stores is as easy as putting the item in a bag and handing it over to the customer. Fulfillment in the world of e-commerce is more difficult, requiring shipping and transportation similar to catalog and mail order businesses. For businesses that integrate e-commerce into their existing business plan, fulfillment is as easy as hiring an extra employee to ship online orders. In Internet startup businesses, fulfillment must often be outsourced to a facility that can handle order processing and shipping in a more timely and professional manner.

Monday, February 28, 2011


elaun x masuk2 lg ni... hehhehheheh.. duit pun makin kering.. nasib baik la Allah anugerahkn aku seorang sahabat yg sama2 sggp besusah senang dgn aku.. kadang2 kami kongsi makann yg sama.. pa yg aku makan itu lah yg dia makan... beruntungnya aku dapat sahabat seperti dia... mintak2 hubungan persahabatan kami akan berkekalan hinnga ke akhirat nnti...tq so much yam...

Saturday, February 26, 2011


abah selalu pesan.... berdendam hanya akan menghitamkan hati... betul ke abah???? abis tu klu sakit ati nk buat ape>??? abah sllu ckp.. " klu adik sakit ati adik renungkn balik diri adik"... dalam ati aku.. hurmmm ape la abah ni.. kita tya dia2 suh kita renung balik diri kita... tapi bila aku mula melangkah ke alam dewasa bru aku phm apa yg abah ckp... "siapa la kita untuk berdendam dan tidak menghulurkan kemaafan kta bukan sesiapa untuk mempunyai hak untuk berdendam, kita hanya manusia biasa yg tidak lepas dari terus melakukan kesilapan.. bila kita memaaf kn diharap kita juga akan diberi kemaafan atas apa jua kesilapan kita....insyaallah...

Friday, February 25, 2011


tadi pergi usrah dengan kawan2... ceramah hari ni berkaitan dengan aurat wanita.. teringat pulak ayat dari salah satu  surah di dalam Al-quran " Allah tidak suka kepada setiap org yg sombong dan angkuh"m besar perspektif ayat tersebut.. fikir2kan lah.. jadikan pengajaran ye...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

renungkan ayat ni sebelm kita berkata buruk mengenai orang lain... Surah Hujarat...

Ayat 11 - "Wahai orang beriman, Janganlah sesuatu kaum mengolok-olokkan kaum yang lain, kerana boleh jadi mereka yang diperolokkan lebih baik dari yang mengolok-olok........Janganlah kamu saling Mencela satu sama lain, Dan janganlah sailing memanggil dengan gelaran yang buruk. Seburuk-buruk panggilan adalah (panggilan) yang buruk (fasik) setelah beriman. Dan barangsiapa tidak bertaubat, maka mereka itulah orang yang zalim"

jangan kita mengata orang lain sebab mungkin orang yang dikata tu lebh baik dari kita.... selalu ingat yang itu..i always remind myself....

Ayat 12 - "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah banyak dari prasangka, sesungguhnya sebahagian dari prasangka adalah dosa, Dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, Dan janganlah antara kamu mengata sebahagian yang lain. Apakah A<span>da antara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya y</span>ang susah mati? Tentu kamu merasa jijik. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sungguh Allah Maha Penerima taubat, Maha Penyayang"

1. prasangka 2. mencari kesalahan orang 3. mengata - macam makan daging saudara sediri. banyangkan kita makan daging mak kita...  Allah tanya kita....suka ke? (everytime nak kata atau fikir buruk kita bayangkan senario itu - mesti terdiam mulut tu.... memang Al-Quran SANGATLAH mendidik jiwa...

Monday, January 10, 2011

h.p.a product

it's one of the really good product, for all muslim out there you don't need to worry whether this product is halal or not because it's certainly halal...